Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Knitting

One of my favorite parts of starting a new year is the resolutions. I'm not going to lie— I am a list maker. I take great pleasure in making lists of things to accomplish in the coming year. I don't look at it as pressure, but rather as motivation and a way to plan all the excitement. After looking back at the past year of knitting and at all the projects in my Ravelry queue (and the yarn on my floor), I came up with a list of things I want to work towards in the next twelve months.

1. Knitting resolution number one: Learn Continental knitting. I have wanted to do this for a while, and have made some headway. I'm still at the stage where I'm so much slower knitting this way that it's really frustrating, but I'm confident it will be worth it if I persevere.

2. Learn how to cable. I own three cable needles, but they might as well be hatpins for all the use they're getting now. It's time to bust those babies out and get to cabling! I'm especially in love with all these owls I keep seeing, so I am going to try some of those first.

3. Make some socks. It's time to bite the sock bullet and put my tiny DPNs to good use. I own some gorgeous sock yarn, and I need to use it!

4. Make some headway in my mile-long Ravelry queue of projects I want to try.
Ribbed handwarmers? Veyla gloves? A star-crossed and cabled beret? A very Pretty Thing? A slice of Citron? Yes to all of the above. I am going to try to start knitting adventurously and cross a few of these off of my list.

And, finally, my crazy, reach for the stars idea:
5. 2011-- Year of the Sweater
Can I do it? Maybe not. But maybe. And it at least gives me something to aim at!

Anyone else have any New Year's Knitting resolutions?


  1. I know you can do it (knit the sweater... or whatever you set your mind to). =) It is addictive.

  2. My mother-in-law knits baby sweaters...a baby sweater is a sweater. Not that you can't do a grown up sweater. I am excited to see whatever you make!

  3. Thanks guys! You are both so encouraging! I will keep you posted!
